Wednesday, February 29, 2012

★ New Life

Today is 29th February 2012
Today is the day that 4 years only have once , But so what ? 
Today is only Wednesday for me .

Like have a million pieces of stones inside me , It's so heavy ..
Feels like those of stones are almost take away my breath .
Why am I still alive ? Because I have lend some air from the sky .
My life keeps on moving , My mind keeps on walking .
Some of stones already moved away apparently , But it's not actually .

A piece of shit , This is only the thing that you can gave me ?
Or maybe i can said that we are growing , time's passing & people's changes .
So that I only can comfort myself to face the respond that you gave .
Muahahahahahaha ! So funny .. You've changed , So do I .

Last day of February , All the bullshit please stop here .
Problems go away , Trouble fuck off . 
Next month will be my new life . 
Thanks boyfriend , You helped me a lots . =)